The Deltaserver team have just released patch version 1.17.1

As announced it is this Tuesday that the stable version (Release) of Minecraft 1.17.1 was released. This release makes some changes to the Caves and Cliffs Update (Part 1), and fixes some bugs. A version 1.17.1 Release Candidate 2 was first released on Monday, less than 24 hours before Release 1.17.1. Mojang has not communicated any information about the changes of this rc2 version, the bug tracker has 0 bug corrected , Mojang simply indicates that it fixes “some critical bugs”, without further explanation. List of new features This news listing the list of changes made by the new Release 1.17.1 since Release 1.17 will look a lot like the presentation of version 1.17.1-pre1

since almost all of the changes (excluding bug fixes) were made in the first PreRelease. So here is the list of changes made:

  • The blue axolotls, which were already extremely rare in the game, will be even more so: until now they had only one chance in 1200 to spawn, now they will not spawn at all naturally.

But they do not disappear from the game: they will still be possible to see them, but only by coupling 2 other axolotls: The baby will have a one in 1200 chance of being blue, otherwise he will have the color of one of the two parents. hazard. They will therefore remain very rare, and even rarer, it should add interest to breeding axolotls. This was already working on the Bedrock version, so this is now making the 2 editions consistent.

  • When mating 2 goats, the resulting baby now has a 2% chance of being a howling goat (same probability as goats that spawn naturally)
  • The drowned now have 2 times more likely to drop the copper ingots (11% chance without enchantment, + 2% chance per level of enchantment  Looting )
  • The powdery snow cauldrons will now fill two times faster snow, but it remains very slow (it was extremely slow before, even by cheating with gamerule randomTick during my tests I found it hard to fill pots snow ). With the new generation of mountains still not implemented in the game, using cauldrons is the only way currently to get powder snow in the game in survival mode, so it was a shame that it was so difficult and so long.
  • Potions effects now apply to goats during their special behaviors: so the  strength potion  gives them even more power when charging a player or other mob, and a jump potion  makes them jump extremely high!
  • Zombies, zombie villagers, mummified zombies and drowned people are no longer attracted to bags of luminous ink, this fix should prevent carnage in underground caves where luminous octopuses spawn.
  • When a mob with a custom name is killed, its death (and the reason for its death) is recorded in the game / server logs.
  • A new language has been added: Classical Chinese (an old version of Chinese)
  • Finally 3 languages ​​were deleted: Sicilian (Sicily), Manx (Isle of Man) and a variant of German because these languages ​​were very incomplete and probably very little used.

Bug fixes
About thirty bugs have been fixed in the 5 Pre-Release and Release Candidate of Minecraft 1.17.1, including the main ones:

  • When the display distance of the chunks was at the minimum, the sun and the moon were no longer displayed
  • The Wither was no longer immune to potion effects
  • End portal texture animation  no longer worked at all
  • It was possible to create items with enchantment levels exceeding the maximum allowed level
  • The tropical fish in a bucket and Axolotls in a bucket still spawnaient the same color mob (axololt pink fish and white and gray tabby). This bug has been fixed for tropical fish, but still not for axolotls.
  • The  Tropical Fish in a bucket sold by  Peddler suffered the same problem, it was fixed.
  • The amount of emerald ore generated in mounts was too high: between 6 and 24 blocks per chunks instead of between 3 and 8 blocks per chunks in version 1.16. The amount of ore has therefore been reduced to the same value as in 1.16.
  • There was slightly more  diamond ore in version 1.17 than in version 1.16. In reality this shift was not due to an increase in the ore, but to a small error in the depth of it:
  • It was possible to steal an item from a villager by trading: the villager would then show the item in his hands before selling it, then killing him so that he would drop the item.
  • The  Axolotls locked in a basin constantly tried to leave this basin, at the risk of dying of dehydration outside the basin.
  • The  Piglins and barbaric Piglins not roused their congénaires when they were attacked by a player hidden behind a wall, making it the looting of Nether bastions too easy.
  • The Axolotls could despawn even when they had a custom name and even when they were tied with a  Leash .
  • During world generation, light chunks were virtually added to allow light generation at the edge of the chunk. Unfortunately this virtual chunk of light was removed before the generation of neighboring chunks, which created glitches of lights at the edge of the chunk.
  • etc.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

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